PLA Analysis: Aquarium -Safe Filaments for 3D Printing

Aquarium-Safe Filaments for 3D Printing: A Comprehensive Analysis of PLA

3D printing has revolutionized many industries, and the aquarium hobby is no exception. From creating custom decorations to functional components like filtration systems and feeding platforms, 3D printing offers hobbyists the flexibility to design unique and tailored solutions for their aquariums. However, one of the most important considerations for aquatic applications is the safety of the materials used, particularly when the 3D-printed objects will be submerged in water with living organisms. Let’s take a close look at PLA.

PLA (Polylactic Acid) is one of the most commonly used filaments for 3D printing due to its accessibility, ease of use, and biodegradability. This article explores the suitability of PLA for use in aquariums, examining its properties, potential risks, and how it compares to other filaments when used in aquatic environments.

1. What is PLA?

PLA is a thermoplastic derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch or sugarcane. Unlike other plastics, which are petroleum-based, PLA is considered an eco-friendly material because it is biodegradable under certain conditions. Its popularity in the 3D printing world stems from its low melting point, ease of printing, and relatively smooth finish compared to other filaments like ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).

While PLA is lauded for its environmental benefits, questions arise regarding its suitability for use in aquatic environments, particularly in aquariums where water quality is critical to the health of fish and other aquatic organisms.

2. PLA in Water: Chemical Composition and Breakdown

One of the primary concerns for aquarium use is whether PLA will leach harmful chemicals into the water. PLA, as a bioplastic, does not contain toxic additives such as BPA (Bisphenol A) or phthalates, which are harmful to both aquatic life and humans. PLA’s chemical composition is relatively benign, but its biodegradability is where concerns for aquarium safety arise.

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PLA biodegrades over time, but only under specific conditions, such as in industrial composting facilities where the temperature exceeds 60°C (140°F) and there is a consistent level of moisture and microorganisms present to break it down. In an aquarium setting, especially at typical room temperatures, PLA degradation would be significantly slower, and there is minimal risk of the material breaking down rapidly or leaching harmful substances into the water. However, over extended periods of submersion in water, there is some potential for the material to begin breaking down.

For most aquarium hobbyists, this process is slow enough that it does not pose a significant risk, but it is something to be mindful of, especially in high-temperature setups or marine environments with higher salinity levels, which may accelerate degradation.

3. PLA Durability in Aquatic Environments

In freshwater aquariums, PLA is generally considered stable and durable. It can maintain its structure and appearance for extended periods, provided that it is not subjected to extreme temperatures. For typical home aquariums where the water temperature remains between 22°C and 28°C (72°F to 82°F), PLA will hold up quite well.

However, in saltwater aquariums, PLA may degrade more quickly due to the corrosive nature of salt and other minerals present in marine environments. PLA’s biodegradability under such conditions can be a double-edged sword—on one hand, it is an eco-friendly material that will eventually break down, but on the other hand, it may not last as long as other materials, requiring frequent replacement.

4. The Impact on Water Quality and Aquatic Life

The safety of PLA for fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms is a major concern for hobbyists. PLA itself is not toxic, but there are several factors to consider:

  • Additives in PLA Filaments: While PLA is generally considered safe, not all PLA filaments are created equally. Some manufacturers add dyes, colorants, or other chemicals to enhance the filament’s properties. These additives could potentially leach into the water, especially when the 3D-printed object is submerged for long periods. It’s essential to use food-safe or aquarium-safe PLA if available.
  • Surface Texture: 3D-printed objects often have small grooves and imperfections due to the layering process. These tiny crevices can become breeding grounds for bacteria or algae, especially in an aquarium. In most cases, this is not harmful and can be managed with regular cleaning, but it’s worth considering when designing and printing objects for aquatic use.
  • Degradation Over Time: As PLA slowly degrades in an aquatic environment, there is a possibility of microplastics being released into the water. While this is more of a long-term concern and has not been extensively studied in relation to aquariums, it’s something to be mindful of, especially if you plan to keep sensitive species or coral in your aquarium.
3d printing - Filaments

5. Alternatives to PLA for Aquarium Use

PLA may be suitable for many aquarium applications, but it’s not the only filament available. Here’s how it compares to some other commonly used 3D printing materials:

  • ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene): ABS is more durable than PLA and has a higher resistance to heat and water. However, it is not biodegradable and can release harmful chemicals when heated. ABS also requires a heated bed for printing and is known for emitting fumes during the process, making it less ideal for home use without proper ventilation. ABS is generally considered less aquarium-safe than PLA due to the potential for leaching chemicals.
  • PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol-Modified): PETG is often recommended as a safer alternative to both PLA and ABS for aquarium use. It is more durable than PLA and less likely to degrade in water. PETG is also resistant to chemicals and does not leach harmful substances into the water, making it an excellent choice for aquatic environments. However, it can be more challenging to print with compared to PLA.
  • Nylon: Nylon is incredibly durable and resistant to wear, making it suitable for long-term use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. It is more flexible than PLA, which can be beneficial for certain applications, but it also absorbs water over time, which may alter its properties in an aquarium setting.
  • Polycarbonate: Known for its strength and heat resistance, polycarbonate is a more advanced filament that offers excellent durability in aquatic environments. However, it is much more challenging to print with and may not be necessary for most aquarium applications where the strength of PLA or PETG is sufficient.

6. PLA Applications in Aquariums

Despite some of its limitations, PLA can be used effectively in many aquarium applications:

  • Decorations: PLA is ideal for creating custom aquarium decorations such as caves, rock formations, and plant holders. These objects can be designed to fit the specific dimensions and aesthetic of your tank, giving you complete creative freedom.
  • Filtration Components: Hobbyists have successfully 3D printed filter parts, such as impellers and inlet/outlet tubes, using PLA. While these components may degrade over time, they are generally safe for short- to medium-term use in freshwater aquariums.
  • Feeding Platforms: PLA can be used to create feeding platforms or specialized feeders for fish and invertebrates, making it easier to provide food in a controlled manner.
  • Custom Housings: Creating housings for aquarium electronics, such as lighting systems or thermometers, is another area where PLA shines due to its ease of use and ability to form complex shapes.

7. Best Practices for Using PLA in Aquariums

If you choose to use PLA for 3D printing in your aquarium, there are several best practices you should follow:

  • Post-Processing: After printing, it’s a good idea to sand and smooth the surface of your 3D-printed object to remove any sharp edges or imperfections that could harm fish or other organisms.
  • Sealing the Object: Coating your PLA print with a waterproof sealant can help extend its life in an aquarium setting. Epoxy resin or aquarium-safe silicone can be used to create a protective barrier, reducing the chance of water penetrating the object and slowing down degradation.
  • Monitor the Object: Over time, check your 3D-printed objects for signs of wear or degradation. Replace them if you notice any weakening or structural changes, especially in high-stress areas such as filter parts or mechanical components.


PLA can be a viable and safe option for 3D printing objects for aquarium use, especially for freshwater setups. While its biodegradability is a potential concern in the long term, under normal aquarium conditions, PLA holds up well and does not pose a significant risk to water quality or aquatic life. By understanding its properties and potential limitations, aquarium hobbyists can make informed decisions about using PLA and explore alternatives like PETG or nylon for more demanding applications.

With proper care and post-processing, PLA opens up a world of customization for aquariums, allowing hobbyists to create unique, functional, and aesthetically pleasing designs tailored to their specific needs.

View Sample Safety Data Sheet for PLA

Analysis of other 3D filaments

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